Twigs And Leaves

Twigs and Leaves
Songs of the Solitary Sentinel

The living word of storytelling, and the sharing of humor and wisdom are captured in this collection of poetry by e.o.bryce. Presented in windows on phases of a life journey in lifting rhythms, e.o.bryce explores the condition of life and the passing of our lives from one experiential phase of congruency to another.

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A nostalgic snapshot of 1950's white Montana, horses and all, from the eyes of innocent 20's-somethings, unaware of the upheavals just under surface of the country-side they are traveling through.  Socrates explores how we contend with adversity; how we depend on the generous natures of the people around us. It's a theme that runs through my life.  It's a true story of a very special time.  And it teaches us that naiveté and bad decision making need not be fatal. We have within us the imagination to solve and surmount our problems.

Just don't forget the bicycle pump!


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But We Had a Darned Good Sail

But We had a Darned Good Sail

The story I tell is true.  As improbable as it seems, it really happened, more or less the way I describe (allowing for imperfect human recollection of details over the intervening forty-six years).

Humans really can die of seasickness. Not over a number of hours, perhaps, but over days.  Dehydration might be a major part of the equation.  Loss of blood may have been a contributor in this case, or a kind of septic poisoning from an ulcer.  Frankly, I never found out what the underlying cause of our friend's decline was.  Undeniably, he was dying. An ulcer was the best guess anyone offered.

In any case, the condition was real and threateningly lethal.  Not something anyone, including the wonderful people in the Coast Guard, was willing to take a chance on.  No one suggested that he would "just snap out of it on his own".  I offer this story to remind us how generous and caring, how foolishly heroic, humans can be.

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